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Location: Home > DNA, RNA, PCR & Libraries > DNA/RNA Isolation & Purification > DNA Purification > Agarose gel DNA recovery kit (Spin-Columns)

Agarose gel DNA recovery kit (Spin-Columns)

Catalog # Availability Size / Price Inquiry
MD003-01 50 T / $300

Agarose gel DNA recovery kit (Spin-Columns)


Leading Biology

Catalog Number


Product Type

DNA Purification

Field of Research

Product Overview

This kit adopts new silicon matrix film technology and unique buffer system, which can recover and purify 70 bp-30 kb DNA fragments from ordinary or low-melting agarose gel, and effectively remove impurities such as primers, enzymes, mineral oil and agarose, with fast sol speed and high recovery rate. The pH indicator is contained in the Gel Lysis Buffer , and the color can be used to determine whether the sol recovery is in the best state. Each column can absorb up to 10 μg of DNA. The purified DNA has high purity, high concentration and good integrity, which can be directly used in molecular biology experiments such as enzyme digestion, sequencing, binding and transformation.

Kit Components

equilibrium buffer LB: 30 ml Gel Lysis Buffer PG: 25 ml Washing buffer PW: 15 ml Eluent EB: 15 ml Adsorption column C2 (2 ml collection tube): 50



Storage & Stability

The kit can be stored at room temperature (15-25 °C).


Recover and purify 70 bp-30 kb DNA fragments from ordinary or low-melting agarose gel


Results of DNA agarose gel electrophoresis using our Agarose gel DNA recovery kit (Spin-Columns)



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