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How To Register
Don't have a LBI Account yet? Once your profile is created, you can easily manage your account online:
•    Manage your membership;
•    Get member reward points;
•    Personalize your experience;
•    Manage your profile and inquiry/order history

Register online:

1.    Select the Sign Up icon in the upper right hand corner of the page.

Register online

2.    Fill in your account information

a.    Enter your email address associated with your account.
b.    Fill in the fields to create your password and account information, accept the Terms & Conditions and select Create Account
c.    Confirm that you're not a robot and type the verification text.

Account/ Password Guidelines
Account Guidelines:
The email address registered on your account will be your account name and cannot be changed once registered.

Password Guidelines
Passwords must follow these guidelines:
•    Your password must be between 6 and 18 characters long.
•    We recommend using a combination of letters, numbers and special characters.
o    Letters: (Aa-Zz)
o    Numbers: (0-9)
o    Symbols that are NOT allowed are backslash (\) and opening/closing double quotes.
•    Your password must be different from any previously-used passwords.

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